Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Assignment - Week 10

Assignment - Week 1

Q Two Reflective Essays (8-10 double spaced pages). Each of these papers pulls together course readings and relates lessons from the course to the student's professional practice. These will be based upon materials from Weeks 1-4 and Weeks 5s-10. Each paper will be worth 15 points. Total Points Possible: 30

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The issue with the maintenance of internal as well as international peace in different areas/states/regions of America cannot be considered to be a petty issue. This is because there have been signs shown by the uniformed individuals in America to prove that vulnerability is present in their actions, reactions and thinking patterns. Therefore, individual awareness does not have to be considered innate.